Friday, May 30, 2008

About Us_English

About Japan Bio Community

Japan Bio Community (JBC) is a non-profit organization [IRC 501(c) (6)] that provides a network for Japanese professionals who work in the US biotechnology, biopharmaceutical and healthcare industries. JBC holds regular monthly meetings in the Silicon Valley and provides the latest information on a wide variety of topics in the areas of bioscience, bio-business and the high-tech industry. These forums are well attended by local professionals and researchers from prestigious universities such as Stanford, UC Berkeley and UCSF, as well as those from East Coast and Japan.


JBC promotes the advancement of science and business by organizing and hosting regular monthly meetings with invited speakers on a wide variety of scientific and business topics within the biotechnology industry. These meetings are usually held at Morrison & Foerster LLP (755 Page Mill Road, Palo Alto, CA 94304-1018) and are open to the general public. Topics from the past meetings include: state-of-art technologies and science in the biopharmaceutical industry, social and legal practices in the US, agricultural and environmental issues. Meetings addressing practical topics such as “how to prepare resume” and “effective interviews” have also been organized for the benefit of students and young researchers in search of jobs in bioscience and related field.

While there have been tremendous interactions between US and Japan in science and commerce, many Japanese are still unfamiliar with the US biotechnology industry and culture and vice versa. JBC helps to bridge the differences and expand mutual understandings between the two cultures by hosting an annual meeting to a wide ranging captive audience. During BIO2004 (International Meeting for the Biotechnology Industry, held at Hotel Nikko in San Francisco June 2004), JBC hosted a meeting titled “US & Japan Biotech World: Different? Similar?” in conjunction with Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO). Invited panelists provided insight into differences and similarities between working in the American and Japanese healthcare-related companies. The meeting was a great success with over 250 attendees from both US and Japan.

Management Team 

President: Chika Hashimoto
Treasurer: Tsutomu Akama
Secretary: Hiroko Tanaka

Thursday, May 8, 2008

第43回 JBCフォーラム「ポスドクキャリアパネル&座談会」(5/30)

バイオ業界の動向として、例えば近年アメリカの製薬業界はアウトソーシングの流れが年々加速し、中国を中心にCRO (Contract Research Organization) が急成長しています。大手製薬企業の整理、統合や研究所の閉鎖などが続く中、ファカルティとして大学に残る以外の道を模索するするバイオ系ポスドクのキャリアプラニングは、日本とはまた違った形で重要な問題になってきています。

日時: 2008年 5月 30日(金) 6:00 pm 開場  6:30 pm 開始
場所: Morrison & Foerster LLP, conference room (enter from the main lobby)
(MoFoはPalo Alto Squareの一番奥の駐車場の横になります。初めての方はお出かけ前に必ず場所をご確認下さい。)


早稲田大学卒業後、Univ. Aberdeen, UKにてPh.D.。SR Noble Foundation, Ardmore, OK., Roche Molecular Systems, Alameda, CAでのポスドク、UCバークレーでのAssociate Specialistを経て、今年からUSDA Agricultural Research Service, Crop Pathology/Genetics Research UnitにてMolecular Geneticist at Department of Plant Pathology, UC Davis。

東京大学卒業後、DukeにてPh.D。La JollaのSalk研究所にてポスドク後、昨年よりGenentechにてScientist, Dept of Molecular Biology

参加費: $10 (軽食代含む)

第43回 JBC フォーラム担当: 赤間 勉