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12:30- 1:00PM 受付、ネットワーキング
進行役:上原 輝彦、鈴木 智之
1:00PM- 1:30PM Talk1
上原 輝彦, JBC企画委員
1:30PM- 2:00PM Talk 2
"The current status of NGS technologies, industries and future applications"
Tao Chen, CEO, Paragon Genomics, Inc.
2:00PM- 2:15PM 休憩
2:15PM- 2:45PM Talk3
本蔵 俊彦, CEO, QuantumBio, Inc.
2:45PM- 3:15PM Talk4
"NGS application for the cancer research"
Asia Chang, Senior Director, Product Management, Oncology, Thermo Fisher Scientific
3:15PM- 3:45PM Talk 5
Andrew Hilmer, Account Manager, Strategic Business Development, Applied StemCell, Inc.
3:45PM- 4:45PM ネットワーキング
JBCフォーラム企画:水野 和恵、清田 智子、上原 輝彦、鈴木 智之、橋本 千香
Akihiko Uehara(上原 輝彦)
Title: DNA/遺伝子の基礎
Summary: 本日のテーマであるNGS(次世代シーケンス)は遺伝子を解析する技術、遺伝子治療は遺伝子を操作する技術と密接に関連しています。本講演では、バイオのバックグラウンドを持たない方々もNGS・遺伝子治療の専門家の方々の講演を理解できるよう、遺伝子を構成する物質であるDNAとはそもそも何なのか、遺伝子とは何か、遺伝子はどのように解析されるか、遺伝子操作はどのように行われるかについて解説します。
Biography: Akihiko (Aki)
Uehara has recently joined DEFTA Partners, a life science/ healthcare VC firm,
following a successful tenure as a regional Product Manager at Bio-Rad
Laboratories in Japan where he launched and grew sales of genomics products
including PCR, qPCR, and digital PCR. Prior to Bio-Rad, Aki was a consultant
for Deloitte Tohmatsu Consulting where his responsibilities included advising
high tech companies on market strategy planning in emerging markets such as
India and Vietnam. Aki received his Masters of Engineering in Chemistry and
Biotechnology from University of Tokyo and his Masters of Business
Administration from the Haas School of Business, UC Berkeley.
Title: The current status of NGS technologies, industries and
future applications
Summary: Next generation sequencing (NGS) has
gained popularity and is now widely used for genome-wide sequencing due to its
powerful data generation capability combined with cost attractiveness. NGS has
shown promising potential for clinical applications, however it still faces
many challenges. Mr. Chen will talk about potential applications for NGS and
the challenges it faces given the current state of development of the technology.
Tao Chen currently leads Paragon Genomics, which is engaged in developing and
commercializing rapid, easy-to-use, ultra-high multiplex PCR-based target
enrichment solutions for the NGS and precision medicine markets.
Tao Chen is CEO and Founder of Paragon
Genomics. Paragon's proprietary CleanPlex™ multiplex PCR technology and custom
panel design capability enable NGS customers to develop targeted sequencing
assays that can be 5-10 times faster and more accurate than assays based on
existing methods. Formerly Senior Product Manager of Thermo Fisher Scientific,
and Business Development Manager, Life Technologies. MBA from Harvard
University, BSc from Peking University.
Honkura(本蔵 俊彦), MBA
Title: Nanoporeシーケンサー技術とビジネス展開
Summary: NGS技術は近年目覚ましい進展を遂げており、次世代の技術としてナノポアシーケンサーが注目されています。本講演では、大阪大学発ベンチャーQuantum
Biosystems CEOの本蔵様に、ナノポアシーケンシング技術の内容、既存NGS技術に対する利点、技術的課題および解決策、そして日本発の技術を世界のNGS市場に広げるための今後のビジネス展開についてお話しいただきます。
Biography: A co-founder of
Quantum Biosystems Inc., Toshihiko represents the company as both president and
CEO. After a genome research project at the University of Tokyo, he went on to
gain ten years’ hands-on experience in business management and investment
analysis as a manager at McKinsey & Company and the Innovation Network
Corporation of Japan (INCJ), a public-private Japanese fund. He has a master’s
degree in Analytical Biochemistry from the University of Tokyo and an MBA from
Columbia University. The scientific and business management acumen he brings to
the team affords the company excellent and tested leadership.

Talk Title: Pioneering the Path to Precision
Summary: Nowhere has the promise of precision
medicine been more hopeful, than in our effort to understand and ultimately
treat cancer. At a fundamental level, we have learned that cancer is a disease
of the genome. NGS technology has enabled researchers to make massive strides
in developing this understanding. In the last 3-5 years alone, a plethora of
new NGS applications have emerged to shed light on cancer through liquid
biopsies and immunology. To harness these findings into meaningful solutions
for clinical cancer researchers, Asia Chang will share how Thermo Fisher
Scientific is supporting the community with robust NGS oncology solutions.
Biography: Asia Chang
leads the oncology product management team in the Clinical Next-Generation
Sequencing Division (CSD) at Thermo Fisher Scientific. The Oncology team
develops clinical research solutions for cancer leveraging the Ion AmpliSeq™
Technology and Ion Torrent™ Sequencing platforms. He originally joined Thermo
Fisher leading strategic development and business development activities within
the division. Prior to joining Thermo Fisher Scientific, Asia was responsible
for strategic engagements at L.E.K. Consulting’s life science practice in the
U.S. and China markets serving global pharma, diagnostics, and medical device
organizations. Asia began his career in R&D and Product Development at
Johnson & Johnson designing minimally invasive medical devices.
Hilmer, PhD
Title: Emerging Gene-Editing Technologies for Pre-Clinical
Discovery and Gene Therapy
Summary: Just over three years ago, the first
groundbreaking reports were published that described the ability to utilize the
CRISPR/Cas9 system for gene editing in mammalian cells. Since then, the field has advanced at an
incredible pace, with the first clinical trials being approved by a biosafety
and ethics panel in June for the utilization of CRISPR-based gene editing in
treating human subjects. Despite these
advances, CRISPR technology faces several technical hurdles, which will need to
be overcome in order to facilitate widespread application of the technology in
the treatment of genetic disorders. Dr.
Hilmer will give an introduction to two gene editing technologies, CRISPR and
TARGATT™, and discuss opportunities and challenges in the application of these
technologies to preclinical discovery and gene therapy.
Hilmer works in Strategic Business Development at Applied StemCell, a leading
stem cell and gene-editing company that focuses on the development of products
and therapeutics that are enabled by its proprietary gene editing platforms,
TARGATT™ and CRISPR/Cas9. Prior to
joining Applied StemCell, Andrew was an NIH Postdoctoral Fellow at Stanford
University, and he completing his Ph.D. training in Chemical Engineering at