About JBC

Japan Bio Communityは、米国認可の非営利団体[501 (c) (6)] です。


日本を遠く離れた米国の地、特に米国最大のバイオセクターであるシリコンバレーには、昨今、「バイオ」に関わる人たちが、それぞれの事情で移り住んできて いています。また、移り住もうとしている人たちがいます。そのような人たちが、分野、専門、出身や年齢などに関係なく、情報交換できる、気軽に経験や悩み を分かち合える、交流を楽める、"場"となることを目指し、「Japan Bio Community」は発足されました。






2002年5月 – 第1回会合
2005年4月 – NPO登録

President: 赤松 謙子
Treasurer: 田中 裕子
Secretary: 瀬尾 欣也


赤松 謙子Abbvie)
網崎 裕子(Bota Biosciences)
大保 三穂(IGM Biosciences)
神村 洋介(Zeon Ventures)
久保 健一郎(Ricor Medical)
瀬尾 亜由(Astex Pharmaceuticals)
瀬尾 欣也(Bitterroot Bio)
田中 裕子(Frontier Medicines)


橋本 千香 
鶴下 直也(JN Biosciences)






About Japan Bio Community
Japan Bio Community (JBC) is a non-profit organization [IRC 501(c) (6)] that provides a network for Japanese professionals who work in the US biotechnology, biopharmaceutical and healthcare industries. JBC holds regular monthly meetings in the Silicon Valley and provides the latest information on a wide variety of topics in the areas of bioscience, bio-business and the high-tech industry. These forums are well attended by local professionals and researchers from prestigious universities such as Stanford, UC Berkeley and UCSF, as well as those from East Coast and Japan.
JBC promotes the advancement of science and business by organizing and hosting regular monthly meetings with invited speakers on a wide variety of scientific and business topics within the biotechnology industry. These meetings are open to the general public. Topics from the past meetings include: state-of-the-art technologies and science in the biopharmaceutical industry, social and legal practices in the US, agricultural and environmental issues. Meetings addressing practical topics such as “how to prepare resume” and “effective interviews” have also been organized for the benefit of students and young researchers in search of jobs in bioscience and related field.
While there have been tremendous interactions between US and Japan in science and commerce, many Japanese are still unfamiliar with the US biotechnology industry and culture and vice versa. JBC helps to bridge the differences and expand mutual understandings between the two cultures by hosting an annual meeting to a wide ranging captive audience.

Management Team 
President: Yoshiko Akamatsu
Treasurer: Hiroko Tanaka
Secretary: Kinya Seo